Striking Set 2
 Under First Degree Brown Belt curriculum

The key concept in this set is Point of Origin. There is no winding up between moves. Unless stated, however, keep one hand chambered while the other is in action.


Start from a horse stance.

1. Execute a right upward elbow to 12 o'clock. Execute a right downward elbow (reverse motion). Execute a right inward elbow to 12 o'clock. Execute a right outward elbow to 12 o'clock.

2. Execute a left upward elbow to 12 o'clock. Execute a left downward elbow. Execute a left inward elbow to 12 o'clock. Execute a left outward elbow to 12 o'clock.

3. Step to 12 o'clock with your right foot into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a right inward diagonal downward elbow (palm down).

4. Step your left foot to 12 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a left inward diagonal downward elbow (palm down).

5. Step your left foot back to 6 o'clock into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as your left cocks at your hip while you execute a right inward overhead elbow. Pivot into a right forward bow as you execute a left upward elbow to stomach level. Pivot back into a right neutral bow as you execute a right downward diagonal forearm smash.

6. Step your right foot back to 6 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as your right hand cocks at the hip while you execute a left inward overhead elbow. Pivot into a left forward bow as you execute a right upward elbow to stomach level. Pivot back into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a left downward diagonal forearm smash.

7. Step your left foot back to a training horse stance as both of your arms execute twin back elbows.

8. Execute a right inward elbow that figure 8s to a right outward vertical forearm strike.

9. Execute a left inward elbow that figure 8s to a left outward vertical forearm strike.

10. With hands cocking to the right, execute a left outward elbow and a right inward elbow.

11. Passing the hands to the left, cock hands to the left, execute a right outward elbow and a left inward elbow.

12. Cock your left hand at the hip as you execute a right inward vertical forearm strike to solar plexus level.

13. Cock your right hand at the hip as you execute a left inward vertical forearm strike to solar plexus level.

14. Execute a right vertical 2 finger eye poke followed by a right upward flapping elbow followed by a right inward vertical elbow down on sternum level.

15. Execute a left vertical 2 finger eye poke followed by a left upward flapping elbow followed by a left inward vertical elbow down on sternum level.


16. Bring your left foot to your right as you execute a right and left punch forward. Turn them into twin chopping hammerfists to an imaginary attacker's kidneys. Bring right hand over left and wipe off on hips as you straighten.

17. Drop into a meditative horse stance.

18. Attention Stance.

19. Bow

What the Set Teaches
  • The use of motion and reverse motion with your strikes.
  • The use of motion and opposite motion with your strikes.
  • Reverse motion vs. Returning motion.
  • To learn that your basic strikes can travel in the same direction but may be in different paths based on your attacker.
  • To use simultaneous strikes in opposite directions and in different paths.
  • Rounding off corners and elongating your circles in a figure 8 pattern.
  • Synchronizing types of body momentum with your strikes, no matter what direction or path the strikes may travel.
  • Being able to immediately graft from the uppercase of one strike to the lower case of the follow-up strike.
  • Close range weapons in a figure 8.
  • Having strikes follow a path rather than a line of action.
  • Utilize the ground to launch your action (i.e. pivoting from a neutral to a forward bow.)
  • Using contour of the body to gain proper alignment and accuracy when striking.
  • Maintaining a good stance / posture when striking in downward diagonal patterns.
  • Maintaining point of origin when striking in downward diagonal patterns.
  • Universal Pattern.